Monday, June 29, 2009

Thanks for all you've shown us

Once again I'm sitting here, going into Jonas withdrawal. Not even LG15 withdrawal, but straight up missing Jonas. At the rate EQAL's going, Jackson Davis will be a big movie star by the time they get back to the Resistance...okay, and I would have no objection to that whatsoever. The guy can act. Hollywood needs him. But so does LG15. Aside from Jackson's acting skills that leave me kind of speechless and his lovely blue eyes, I also have a whole lot of love for the character of Jonas himself. And goddammit, guys, I miss him. I miss him as if he were actually a friend of mine I haven't talked to in months - only if he were really a friend of mine, I'd be more appropriately terrified right about now, since he's, you know, being held by the Order. But no, Jonas is a fictional character, and I am not on any kind of astral plane with him. I just miss him. So here are some of the all-time Jonas highlights of LG15, in my humble opinion, to get myself and other Jonas fangirls through this time of uncertainty. (I'd yell "LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME, EQAL!" but that'd be taking it a little too far. I know we're in a recession. Honestly, no, I have nothing better to do. Which should be a compliment, because it means I'm taking LG15 really seriously. Your art is being appreciated, EQAL! I-I'll donate to you. I have a PayPal account. I'll pay Jackson's salary...okay, eating my words now.)

In particular, I seem to have a bit of a weakness for angry, angsting, or emo Jonas. For one thing, his acting skills are at their finest tuned during some of his more angry, badass scenes. I'm not quite sure why I enjoy the emoing so much. I usually shy away from very sad storylines and scenes, but there's something about those scenes in Lg15 that pulls me in. It's the one canon where watching something sad actually makes me feel good. Cathartic, probably.

I'm Done

I can't even bring myself to make a drunken Jonas or angsting Jonas joke about this one, because it's too sad. The "I love you Bree!" was used in one of those "the story so far" videos, or some such thing, and it left such an impact on me that it's one of the quintessential Jonas moments for me. He loved that girl. He did everything he could to save her. And in the end, he lost her. This is grieving. He cries watching videos of them together, goes to the water where she once swam and sinks himself into it, tries to feel her. The person who's moved into the house she lived in has no idea; the world is moving on, but Jonas knows. And here he grieves.

Bullet to the Head

This video is a perfect example of Jonas's badassedry.

Daniel: ...but we're not murderers, right?
Jonas: We'll see.

And then he tells Carl that he's going to kill him.

He wields a gun and he's hardcore about it. Then Carl pwns him with the mention of P. Monkey living in a box under Jonas's bed, and all of the hurt that made Jonas what he is at this point comes flooding back into our consciousness - and his. Jonas has experienced loss. He has no reason to be afraid to fight, anymore, like an assassin whose wife and baby have been murdered and who now kills with no remorse. In other words: you cannot fuck with Jonas Wharton.

But it's the way he delivers the very last line of the video that really gives me shivers. Quiet, but determined. Ready to kill.

(I also have to point out the excellent Youtube description for this video: "Jonas went INSANE!" You sing it, Danielbeast! *laughs*)

Last Words

Here we have one of those quintessential angsty Jonas videos - the beer bottles alone fit the description.

"You don't know about what it is to-to fight; to really, truly fight. And to lose. You don't know me, okay, and you don't know what I've lost."

If I had to pick one quote to represent everything involving Jonas in the LG15 canon, it would be that. By this point, Jonas is a man broken, and he has lost virtually everything, and everyone he loves. Bree and Gina are both dead, and he couldn't save them. His parents still have no memory of their life with him, and he's separated from everybody else he cares about. He lives in hiding. He has nothing left, but no longer does this leave him willing to throw his own life away and fight. Now that his loved ones are safe, to the best of his knowledge, he's given up this fight. He's obviously in denial, because he knows deep down that he can't just let these girls die and that he has to take down the Order; it almost seems like it's destiny that either Jonas will take down the Order, or the Order will take down Jonas. But as Maggie makes her first attempts at convincing Jonas to join the Resistance, he wants none of it. And his pain is palpable.


This one is gratuitous. I just wanted some hot Jonas makeout action. But more seriously, I'm a real romance and relationship addict in my fiction, and this video gets to me - not only because it took a long time for something like this to happen in LG15, but because it was the only time it got to happen for Jonas and Bree. Jonas had no idea how short-lived it would be. It's heartbreaking.

Ah, here's one more while I'm on the topic of Jonas and Bree.

She's Missing

I can't think of a good enough word to describe the moment that they share in this one.

He loved her.

And the way he kisses her on the forehead...I love moments like that. *incoherent babbles of a hopeless romantic*

I know there's more, but those are the ones that come to me right away (the first three in particular). Maybe next time I'll post some Reed highlights, though there is less of him to go around, given he only showed up last fall. For now, I pose a question to my fellow Jonas fans: what are your favourite Jonas moments?

(All quotes in this article are copied from the transcripts posted on LGPedia. Thank you to the hardworking lonelycrackers who transcribed and posted them!

Bonus: Props to whoever can recognize the original and significance of this entry's title!)

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