Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day of Atonement Vlog Responses by Moi

Throughout the day yesterday, I posted vlogs responding to what was going on in the 12 in 12 finale. I made a total of four.

The first responds to the 12:00 PM video, and Sarah kissing Jonas, which was DEFINITELY not the hookup I'd been waiting for.

The second - which won't kill your ears as badly, as my parents had gotten home so I'd had to stop yelling XD - features my reactions to Sarah's sudden turn to evilness, and Daniel's surprise video!

The third is my somewhat awed reaction to Jonas being trait positive, though at that point I'd misunderstood and was under the impression that he was the first trait positive male ever, not just in a millenium. Still, whoa.

The fourth and final vlog is where I express my excitement about the full-blown return of the Danielbeast (!!!!!) and the prospect of him working together with Reed to get Jonas and Maggie back. (I then briefly go into the fact that I twisted my ankle yesterday, but you can ignore that if you want to. XD I'm okay, anyway.)

My first 12 in 12 was all that I could have hoped for it to be, and I am excited as hell for the beginning of season two, with DANIEL and Reed!!! I wasn't happy at all about Sarah actually being evil at first, but when that made Daniel's return inevitable, I found myself 100% trusting the Creators' decisions once again. I still kind of wish Sarah will turn out to have been brainwashed this whole time, but it's probably not going to happen. I'm going to have to deal with it. But hey, this would make a return by Taylor REALLY interesting. And hell, who knows who might come back. I'm holding out hope that we'll see Emma again one day, because I really like her. Even if she's a year younger than me and played by an actress about eight years older than me. Whatever, Emma! She's cool. But for now, I'm just happy to have Daniel back! No doubt the second season of LG15: The Resistance is going to be amazing.

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