Friday, December 12, 2008

Not quite the hookup I've been waiting for...

You know, it never registered with me that 8am meant 8am California time. =_= Looks like it'll be 11 at night for me before I get the final video of this season's LG15 finale. In any case, the first video will be posted soon, and I'm getting anxious, but excited. I can't wait to see what happens!

Sarah posted a video last night called "Tomorrow", saying that they're going to "go all Jack Bauer" and so Jonas told them not to talk about anything. She just wanted to say goodbye in case anything happens to them. Then she heard a noise and went to film a mirror reflection of Jonas and Maggie in another room, kissing. Maggie tried to take it a bit further, pushing Jonas's shirt up, but he stopped her and said they should get through the next day first. Then the video ended.

Now, Jonas kissing anyone is damn hot. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't enjoy that, because I did. But really, this isn't the hookup I want for the finale, a Sarah and Reed hookup is. I only liked the Jonas/Maggie pairing for a split second before I stopped caring about them and feeling like it just...isn't right. The fact that I'm kind of in love with the Beaumont/Maggie pairing now only makes me want that one even more. But in any case, Sarah and Reed MUST kiss in this season finale. I want that to happen so badly, seriously. They've been building up to it all season, so come on, let it happen already!

Anyway, the picture doesn't have much of anything to do with this entry, but it's a perfect prelude to the beginning of the Day of Atonement videos. The day of atonement is here! I'm so excited for my first 12 in 12! =DDD

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