Sunday, December 7, 2008

'Twas the Night

Ever seen the 2001 Disney Channel movie 'Twas the Night? Family Channel, the Canadian cable channel that airs most Disney Channel shows and movies for us Canadians, shows this movie every year at Christmas time, and at some point I decided that it was my favourite Christmas movie. If I really think about the Christmas movies I've seen, I probably like the Home Alone movies more, but this movie still has meaning for me since I tend to see it on TV every year, so it's become something of a Christmas tradition for me. It's on this afternoon, and I only watched a little of it today, but I know I'll always have the chance to see it again.

The basic premise of the movie is that there's a family of three children and their parents, and the father's older brother, Nick. Nick owes money to these guys who are threatening to kill him, or some such thing, if he doesn't come up with their money and fast. Nick flees to his brother's house, using the excuse that there's no place like home at Christmas time. Anyway, it's Christmas Eve, and this year Santa has to use a computer to guide his sleigh, because all of the reindeer have come down with the flu. Santa isn't used to this technology and crashes, and Nick and the eldest brother of the family steal the sleigh and start using a gizmo of Santa's that temporarily freezes time for all of the people wherever he is so he can sneak in and leave the presents there, so they can go into rich people's houses and take their stuff. Santa and the two younger siblings, the middle sister and the youngest brother, spend the rest of the night trying to get the sleigh back and stop the uncle and brother. Of course, Nick sees the error of his ways, and everything works out in the end. Santa leaves Nick an electric guitar he's always wanted, and he plays a rocking guitar version of Jingle Bells (if I'm remembering correctly) for the family, getting totally into it. Christmas is saved, and all ends well.

Watching the beginning of it now, I can't help but laugh at it a little, because it's as lame as any other Disney Channel movie. I've grown out of all of that Disney Channel stuff now, so I can't help but criticize the more foolish aspects of it. That said, watching it for what it is - a silly, fun kids' and family film for the holiday season - makes it a perfectly pleasant movie to watch on TV on a December Sunday afternoon. Plus, I still think the guitar solo at the end is pretty cool. XD So if you ever see this movie on TV and you're feeling festive, give it a try. It's pretty cute. =)

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