Monday, December 15, 2008

Is Akimoto Yasushi an Elder from the Order?

Inoue Naru and Bree Avery: Trait positive girls.

Those familiar with the Breeniverse and the Hymn of One - who are all about finding your "eternal song" and a whole lot of bull that doesn't really matter since it's not a real religion anyway - has this song that they use in the background of all of their recruitment videos, and the first time I heard it, I instantly recognized it from a very strange place: the beginning of the AKB48 song "Ai no Moufu", from their Himawari 2nd stage. AKB48 are a Japanese pop music group featuring a large number of young girls. Considering I've never heard this song anywhere else, this is a surprising coincidence indeed, and it almost makes me wonder if it's more than just that. Could there be...a connection? Could Akimoto Yasushi, the man behind AKB48, actually be...A PART OF THE ORDER?


You can hear the Hymn of One music in a lonelygirl15 video here, or the song alone here. You can hear the AKB48 song "Ai no Moufu", with the music in question at the beginning of the song, here or here.

If you actually consider it for a moment, it starts to all make A LOT OF FREAKING SENSE. There is plenty of evidence to back up the idea of Akimoto being an Elder, and it's been right in front of us all along! How were those fighting the Order able to miss this? Allow me to lay out the evidence for you all.

Firstly, there's the song. How on Earth did the Hymn of One music wind up in a Japanese idol pop song? In addition to the fact that the use of the Hymn of One music, of all things, brings up questions, it doesn't even match the tone of the rest of the song, in which the girls where white wedding dresses and sing lyrics about caring for others to a calm, happy melody. The Hymn of One music has a very creepy feel to it. There is one explanation that I see: "Ai no Moufu" is obviously an AKB producer's eternal song. Not Akimoto's, because he doesn't have time for that Hymn of One crap; he just wants to get some trait positive girl's blood so he can live his otaku businessman idol machine life for 50 extra years. No, some poor producer of the girls' music who actually thinks the Hymn of One is a valid religion probably heard this song in a dream one day and suddenly felt total enlightenment, and, declaring it his eternal song, decided to throw in the Hymn of One music at the beginning, just to give a little advertisment of his religion to the idol music listening public. And the white dresses the girls wear while performing this song? Ceremony girls wear white dresses when the Ceremony is done. The whole "Ai no Moufu" aspect of this is quite easy to explain.

Now, let's take a look at AKB48. AKB is an all female idol group whose member count, including Teams A, K, and B, the research students not yet added officially to the group, and the members of SKE48 is now somewhere around 80 girls, or something outrageous like that. The Order is always in need of trait positive girls. Naturally, Akimoto, in need of a trait positive girl's blood, would want to put together a huge group of girls in order to catch any trait positive girls who the Order might've missed when they were born. It's the perfect plan! Finally, having all of those girls in one huge group makes sense.

The girls are forced to maintain "pure" and "virginal" images, or else their reputations are tarnished and they can't be sold as viable products anymore. However, this primarily applies to relations with males. They're allowed to act as sexual as they want with each other in dance routines on stage, and...well, Ohori Megumi's allowed what she does. On stage, and on TV, and in magazines, and wherever the hell else. But if it were to be found out that a member of the group had a boyfriend? It'd be all over for her. Just ask Kikuchi Ayaka, who got kicked out of the group after a picture of her with a boy that read "three months together" got leaked to the interwebs. Alas, with this new outlook on the group, the reason for these restrictions becomes obvious: the girls cannot break their purity bonds! If one of them were to be trait positive and run off and have sex with some guy, what if she got an STD and it was then passed on to the Elder who received her blood? That just wouldn't do! The purity bond rule is really in place to protect Akimoto and any other Elders who might receive the blood of any AKB members from sexually transmitted diseases. They don't really care what fans think of the girls dating.

You may ask if any AKB girls have, indeed, proven to be trait positive, and I have the answer for you: Inoue Naru. The Team B member graduated from the group suddenly this fall, announcing it to both her groupmates and the audience at the end of a show one night, never to appear on stage with the group again. After being absent from shows for a reason related to her "health" a number of times, she announced her graduation suddenly, stating that she wanted to take a new path in her life. Much as I don't want to believe it, it's too obvious for us to ignore: Naruppe was trait positive. No doubt she'd been on her carnivorous diet for some time by the time she graduated, and Akimoto was eager to suck her dry of her lifeblood. And poor Naruppe probably had no idea what she was in for, truly believing that the Hymn of One had bestowed upon her a great honour by choosing her to participate in the Ceremony, and that it would enlighten her and enrich her life in some way. Other members who've wondered why they haven't heard from her in awhile have probably guessed that she's in the mountains near Sedona. Little do they know that Naruppe, most likely, is no more...and Akimoto will be at this idol business game for a lot longer now. Oh, Naruppe, I'll remember you fondly!

Add onto all of that the fact that all of the members of AKB48 vlog - just like so many trait positive girls LG15 viewers are familiar with have done - and it should all be clear to us: AKB48 is a breeding ground for potentially trait positive girls. You know what, Akimoto probably tests their blood to see if they have "potential" when they audition for the group, letting them think it's some routine checkup, and only accepts girls with that particular kind of potential into the group. Trait positive girls are rare, hence only Naruppe having been sacrified so far at the time of this writing. Still, we cannot ignore or deny what happened to her. We, the wota must join forces with the Resistance to fight to save these girls' lives.

I see right through your lies, Akimoto, and I refuse to let you take the lives of any more innocent girls! We are the Resistance and WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED!!!

(Also, I am the Juju, and my bad sense of fangirly humor will not be stopped, either.

Disclaimer: Inoue Naru is not dead. Akimoto Yasushi is probably not a member of a fictional cult. Watanabe Mayu is not a cyborg. Okay, I'm lying about that last one. That'd be like saying Jonas Wharton doesn't drink, wear caps, angst in bathtubs, and look damn sexy when he gets mad, protective, upset,, anything. But really, I just want to know why Akimoto tacked the Hymn of One music onto the beginning of "Ai no Moufu", and where he found it in the first place. Thanks.)

(Originally posted to Wings of My Heart here. Changes have been made to suit the content of this blog as opposed to the content of Wings of My Heart.)

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