Sunday, December 7, 2008


Back in the world of LG15: The Resistance, just when it seemed like Beaumont was the perfect knight to save Maggie and the Resistance was still alive, everything came crashing down in "Chapter 12: Journey's End". Last week, I was very nervous that Beaumont was going to say he was a part of the Hymn of One and claim that they would help Maggie, but when he said that he was part of a group fighting for girls like her, I believed that the Resistance was still out there. Apparently, I was both right to believe that Beaumont only wanted to help Maggie, and wrong to believe that this meant he was a member of the Resistance. The group Beaumont referred to was the Hymn of One, but he truly believed that they were there to help Maggie. They used him to get to her for their own motives, stealing her back from Lifesblood Labs as if she were simply an object, not a living, breathing girl. Beaumont was simply an innocent pawn, whose caring heart was taken advantage of and used to bring Maggie back into the Order's clutches.

I never saw this coming or thought of the possibility of Beaumont having been tricked by the Hymn of One, so my heart just sunk to the ground when I realized that that's what happened. In the end, Beaumont was forced to put Maggie in the back of the car and tie her up, though he put in one last ditch attempt at helping her to escape, telling her to run; she hit one of the car's doors and was hurt in the process. Beaumont's hands were tied before they had him get into the car, as well. Beaumont exclaimed that "The Hymn of One is supposed to help her," and this apparent end to his rescue mission became a heartbreaking moment of defeat, as we realized just as moment before he did how he had been played. Adding to this was the presence of Lucy, of all people. I feel downright offended by her presence...just from knowing what she did to Bree. What she allowed to happen to Bree. I checked the date on the security footage at the beginning of the episode just to see when this happened in relation to Bree's death, because for some reason I felt like I would be even more upset if it had happened while Bree were still alive. It appears to have happened near the end of last year, though, when Bree was already dead. Still, Lucy? Why is she always there when it comes to the trait positive girls we're familiar with, anyway? She's not the only freaking person in the Order who can work as a helper. I'm not criticizing the writers' use of her in the plot, if that's what it sounds like. I was just amazed to see Lucy get out of that car, and I hate her even more now.

(But I don't hate you, Amanda! ^__^ Congratulations on the baby, by the way!)

I'm furious at Lucy and the other guy in the car, and whoever else in the Order was involved in using Beaumont like this. I'm not worried for Maggie, because we all know that she's free now, we just don't know how it happened yet. I am, however, worried for Beaumont. If we find out that he's dead, I'll be heartbroken. He didn't deserve this! He just wanted to help Maggie! To save her! veelavaloom pointed out to me in a reply to my Youtube comment that the Hymn of One often brainwashes even their biggest enemies (ie. Jonas's parents) and holds onto them, so they might have just done that with Beaumont. Perhaps TAAG will be able to find him and save him, and he can join them in the fight against the Order. That would be brilliant. Even better, the Jonas/Maggie/Beaumont love triangle tension would be gold! Meanwhile, it would totally make sense for Sarah and Reed to be hooking up, in contrast to the relationship troubles of the other three...

I don't know if we'll get any more videos now until Friday, the day of the 12 in 12 finale. But either way, I'll sure as hell be looking forward to Friday, and seeing how this season will conclude. I believe that TAAG will bring Lifesblood Labs down, inspiring true fear in the Order for the first time. But I'd also be satisfied with just seeing Reed and Sarah make out. One track mind, okay?

No, but really, I believe in TAAG this time. They will have their victory. All we can do now is wait.

(Picture from LGPedia, here.)


Amanda said...

Great post! Your passion for the show and characters comes through so much. I am crossing my fingers for a Fearsome Foursome victory and hoping that Beaumont doesn't become another victim of that awful Lucy. Watch a b*tch. :)

Thanks for the Congrats, Greg and I are very excited.


Julia said...

Thanks for the comment! =D I'm amazed by the finale and I can't wait to see what happens next!